Words From Pastor Ed
A Word Fitly Spoken - May 2024

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
There are many seasons that come upon us in life, childhood, youth, courtship, marriage, parenthood, and of course old age. We experience reverses and setbacks; we celebrate promotions and growth. We change jobs, we change homes, all while pressing forward in our understanding of the will of God for our lives. In all these times and seasons of life, Paul’s words to the Roman Christians are appropriate for our lives.
Be joyful in hope – at our home these days, hope is a part of every time we look at a real estate website or hear from our agent. We hope that a buyer comes through, we hope that a good house appears for us to purchase. We can’t yet see the end of the search, but our hope is in the Lord who knows our needs and will provide the right place at the right time.
Be patient in affliction – in our fellowship we have been experiencing times of affliction, physical illnesses, family stresses, unexpected deaths, even a few conflicts. But being patient in difficult and troubled times is good for us as individuals and as a church, for our troubles drive us closer into the arms of Jesus for guidance, love and direction. Difficulties don’t last forever, and we can come out the other side stronger in faith and stronger as a church for there is no growth without discomfort and difficulty.
Be faithful in prayer – all of us in this church can testify to the power of prayer and what God can do when we ask Him. He has healed, delivered, rescued, saved, and done so much among us… But none of that happens without steady, persistent, confident prayers. Oh, we don’t usually see the answers immediately, but we do see the father’s hand at work in time. Prayer is the spiritual “work” that all of us can do at any age and at any time. This is why Paul urges us to pray without ceasing – the first and best thing we can do in any situation is pray. So, keep it up!
Pastor Ed